Prepare Her Program Facilitators
Summer 2020
Honourable Leela Aheer
Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women
Run As You Are Relaunch Session
Dr. Melanee Thomas
University of Calgary
Module 1: Exploring Your Leadership
Dr. Rachael Pettigrew
Mount Royal University
Module 1: Exploring Your Leadership
Kristina Sammut
Frontier Leadership
Module 1: Exploring Your Leadership
Zabin Jadavji
Federation of Calgary Communities
Module 2: Understanding Your City
Leslie Evans
Federation of Calgary Communities
Module 2: Understanding Your City
Paul Fairie
University of Calgary
Module 2: Understanding Your City
Dr. Lisa Young
School of Public Policy
Module 3: Public Policy
Marcie Hawranik
Canadian Equality Consulting
Module 4: Understanding Intersectionality
Lorelei Higgins
City of Calgary
Module 4: Understanding Intersectionality
Harold Horsefall
City of Calgary
Module 4: Understanding Intersectionality
Laura Kenney
Elections Calgary
Module 5: Fundraising
Andrew Brouwer
Elections Calgary
Module 5: Fundraising
Katherine O’ Neill
YWCA/Former President of Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta
Module 5: Fundraising
Matt Grant
Module 5: Fundraising
Jordan Pinkster
Global Public Affairs
Module 6: Campaign 101
Cathy Moar
Module 6: Campaign 101
Vincent St. Pierre
Module 6: Campaign 101
Zain Velji
Module 6: Campaign 101
Jason Hatcher
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Yasin Cetin
Guiding Coalition on Public Engagement
Module 6: Campaign 101
Honourable Amarjeet Sohi
Former City Councillor, MP, & Federal Cabinet Minister
Module 6: Campaign 101
MLA Janis Irwin
Member of the Legislative Assembly for Edmonton-Highlands Norwood
Module 6: Campaign 101
CBE Trustee Julie Hrdlicka
Wards 11 & 13
Module 6: Campaign 101
Rosa Ellithorpe
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Annalise Klingbeil
Champion Communications
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Alex Middleton
Champion Communications
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Marina Banister
Marina Georgia Makeup
Know your Style - Your Personal Brand & Style
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Lianne Bell
Chief of Staff, Hon. Nathan Cooper
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Max Fawcett
Journalist, Writer
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Catherine Keill
Chief Strategist, Keill & Co.
Module 7: Media and Media Training
Yalda Kazemi & Aldona B.
Style Squared
Know Your Style: Your Power Style